沙特负责能效标签的机构为沙特标准机构(SASO),2009年沙特发布对空调、洗衣机、冰箱和冷柜产品的能耗标签强制执行日期,并将该公告发布于沙特国家官方公报。从2010年4月22日开始,所有出货至沙特的空调、洗衣机、冰箱和冷柜产品都必须进行加贴能耗标签。在此之前,可以在自愿的基础上实施能效标签。 各产品对应的标准如下: 空调:SASO 2663/2007 for energy labeling and minimum energy performance requirements for air conditioners; 非管道式空调与加热泵:SASO/ISO 2681/2007 for testing and performance rating for non-ducted air conditioners and heat pumps; 管道式空调和空气对空气热泵:SASO/ISO 2682/2007 for testing and performance rating for ducted air conditioners and air-to-air heat pumps; 家用冰箱、冷冻冷藏库及冷冻库:SASO 2664/2007 for energy performance, capacity and labeling of household refrigerators, refrigerator-freezers and freezers; 家用洗衣机:SASO 2692/2007 for energy labeling requirements of household washing machines; 家用洗衣机:SASO 2683/2007 for methods of measuring the performance of household washing machines; 家用洗衣机:SASO 2693/2007 for performance requirements for household washing machines.